高分子電纜橋架也叫電纜橋架,可分為槽式、托盤式和4102梯式電纜橋架,聚合物1653復合托盤可以附著在各種建筑和支架上,也可以單獨安裝。托盤因具有茄子的諸多優越特性而被廣泛使用,包括安裝方便、結構簡單、使用靈活、維護方便,聚合物復合橋梁具有防強腐蝕性的特點。復合托盤具有應用廣泛、強度高、結構輕、造價低、施工簡單、布線靈活、安裝規范、外形美觀、維護方便等優點,電纜橋架的用途和技術條件是什么?復合式橋架適用于室內外架空電纜溝和隧道布置電源線、控制電纜和10 kV以下的照明布線,電纜橋架安裝地點海拔不超過2000米,不同氣候下氣候環境等級不同,因此選擇參數、溫度、濕度、防火。
Polymer cable tray is also called cable tray, which can be divided into trough type, tray type and 4102 ladder type cable tray. Polymer 1653 composite tray can be attached to various buildings and supports or installed separately. The tray is widely used because of its many superior characteristics of eggplant, including convenient installation, simple structure, flexible use and convenient maintenance. The polymer composite bridge has the characteristics of strong corrosion resistance. Composite tray has the advantages of wide application, high strength, light structure, low cost, simple construction, flexible wiring, standardized installation, beautiful appearance and convenient maintenance. What are the uses and technical conditions of cable tray? The composite cable tray is suitable for indoor and outdoor overhead cable trenches and tunnels to arrange power lines, control cables and lighting wiring below 10kV. The altitude of the installation site of the cable tray is no more than 2000m. The climate and environmental levels are different in different climates, so the parameters, temperature, humidity and fire prevention are selected.
高分子電纜橋架是變直徑直段、曲線和直5261桶之間的連接器,與高分子電纜橋架托盤廠生產的連接器as 1653相連,界面平整,無變形、突出和下沉。用于連接的半圓頭鍍鋅螺栓位于橋架內部,螺栓長度合適,擰緊后,暴露長度為25厘米,水平安裝的電纜槽的直線部分應盡可能連接在兩個支架之間約14°的位置。
Polymer cable tray is a connector between variable diameter straight section, curve and straight 5261 barrel. It is connected with connector as 1653 produced by polymer cable tray factory. The interface is flat without deformation, protrusion and sinking. The half round head galvanized bolt used for connection is located inside the bridge. The bolt length is appropriate. After tightening, the exposed length is 25cm. The straight part of the horizontally installed cable tray shall be connected at about 14 ° between the two supports as far as possible.
Polymer cable tray has neat appearance and smooth lines. It can be customized according to customer requirements. It has strong decoration and lightweight hollow structure. The proportion of raw materials is 1.5 units and the proportion of traditional aluminum alloy materials is 2.7 units. Compared with this, the polymer cable bridge has obvious advantages in application. The installation project does not need large lifting machinery, welding, cutting and other open fire operations, which greatly improves the installation speed, reduces the waste of component resources, and greatly reduces the subsequent capacity increase, transformation and project installation costs.
This article is provided by Jinan cable bridge. Our website is: http://www.euup.cn We will serve you wholeheartedly. Welcome to visit
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